Gaillardia aristata (Asteraceae)

A hardy, drought tolerant perennial found throughout much of the United States. Easily established from seed, it frequently forms dense colonies of brilliant red flowers with yellow rims. Thrives in full sun in well-drained areas. Occasional watering will extend the blooming period. Allow seed heads to completely dry prior to trimming. This will aid in reseeding for the following year.

Average planting success with this species: 60%
Height: 18 to 24 inches
Germination: 15-45 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 70-75F
Sowing depth: 1/8"
Blooming period: May-September
Suggested use: Roadsides, drainage ditch slopes, open fields, mixes.
Miscellaneous: One of the most adaptable perennial composites. An excellent cut flower with a vase life of 6 to 10 days.


Copyrighted images and text used with permission from the Wildseed Farms.

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